"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, 'Wow, what a ride!'"

-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Bloggin' Blue Tunes

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Magic's Puppies

Gram's dog, Magic, had puppies a few weeks ago. It has been very exciting for the girls! Kate, especially, LOVES the puppies. She stays with them the entire time we are there! Literally, she climbs in the box with them and sits there loving them for hours--if we'd let her. We make her get out every once in a while so she doesn't stress the puppies (or Magic) too much. This first video is of the girls holding the puppies for the last time of the visit just before leaving for home.

This second video is just over 1 hour into our drive home. For the first 45 minutes she cried and yelled at me nonstop. She was exhausted, so it was terrible! In the middle of her tantrum, she fell asleep for a few minutes. When she woke up she was really angry that she had fallen asleep and missed out on perfectly good "yell at mommy time" for even a few minutes. So, at that point, I started threatening. I told her that if she asked for the puppies "one more time" I would pull over and spank her bottom. She got creative in the way she was asking for puppies...but not really asking for puppies--so I pulled out the camera and caught some of it. It's a little shaky and not always pointing in the right direction since I couldn't look at the screen while driving. I just guessed where it should go and balanced it on my shoulder. I thought that was quite creative and safe of me! :)

BTW, Her favorite puppy is named "pink girl." Listen to how close she gets to asking for pink girl and then quickly turns it into something else "pink." Gotta give her credit for creativity!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Workin' OUT!!!!

I'm so lucky to have such good helpers with my squats! They both love to climb on the Total Gym and "exercise" with me. My legs are jello by the time were done when they help since they add about 60 more pounds to my workout. Whew!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was so great this year! Kate, Haylee and Adam surprised me with flowers and cards. We went to church and then came home for a relaxing afternoon of food, TV and WiiFit! Thanks for making my day special. I didn't have to change a single poopy diaper!!!
Thanks, Blue!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Adam's Birthday

Adam turned 34 this year! This is very confusing to Kate who is 3 turning 4 this year. She can't understand how Daddy can be 3 AND 4! For his birthday we surprised him with balloons, candy and lunch in his classroom. The girls were so excited about our surprise--of course Adam had NO idea that we could possibly show up for his birthday. ;) When we got there they ran into his room, chatting up a storm, with their balloons and gifts for Daddy. Never mind that he was in the middle of teaching since we got there about 5 minutes before the bell rang. The students thought it was adorable. When it was time to leave, the girls wouldn't give up "their" balloons, so Adam very generously re-gifted them to his little cuties.
That night we went to dinner at Red Robin--Our birthday tradition. It was a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday, Adam! We love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Camping with Daddy

Who has the COOLEST dad on this planet???? Kate had been begging to go camping for weeks! Finally, it was warm enough to sleep outside--so her Daddy took her camping...in our yard.

She LOVED it! We bought a patio fireplace that day and heated coals so that we could roast hotdogs and make smores. It was totally white trash--but the girls loved it! We decided to have Haylee sleep in her own bed rather than in the tent...she needs her rest in order to be happy the next day. :) After all, she'll get to experience real camping this summer.
Here they are heading into the tent for the night. Somebody's not excited are they??

We can't go camping without a movie!

Sleep tight!

The next morning she was so happy! They ended up staying in the tent the next night, too!

Too cute!

Coloring Easter Eggs

Sooo...I'm a little behind on my blogging from Easter. Oops. Better late than never! We had a great Easter! We got together with the Harris Family for Easter egg decorating. It was messy and fun!!! Just the way it should be!

I don't know who had more fun....the kids....or the dads!!

Easter Egg Hunt

The city of Roseburg does an annual Easter Egg Hunt at the park. We decided to give it a try this year. We were amazed at how many people were there. There were over 10,000 eggs with candy and prizes inside--and they were all GONE within 30 seconds. I've never seen anything like it! Here is our crew at the starting line for the egg hunt. They put the eggs inside a huge circular area that has been marked off and then they release all the kids at one time. It was a little bit like a war zone. Next year I'm putting my kids in Football pads! :)


We were a little slow off the line. By the time the girls got to where the eggs were...

...everybody else was on their way back out!

Kate was telling Adam all about what happened. I guess it was so crazy that she didn't realize that he was with her the whole time!

Gotta check out the loot!

Out of 10,000 eggs we managed to grab 4 of them. :)

They were so proud of their eggs!

Good teamwork!!!

Afterwards we ran into some of our good friends, the Frasiers (who were MUCH more skilled at egg gathering than us), and all the girls ran around in the park for almost an hour together. They were very nice and shared their candy with our girls.

We got to meet the Easter Bunny while we were there. The girls were totally freaked out!

I had to keep my arm around Kate's back the whole time so that she didn't run away! She was pushing backwards the whole time.

As were were leaving the park we found a family that was blowing bubbles for their kids. They were very generous and let our girls jump right in on the bubble fun. This turned into another hour at the park!

Once the bubbles were done we hit the playground. We couldn't leave without going down the slide!!!! That would be torture!

After that we went to breakfast at Elmer's.
It was 2:00 pm.